Tiny Home Projects
The Tiny Home Construction Project is a hands-on learning initiative for West Franklin High School students.
As part of our vocational training program, this class provides students with practical experience in construction, project management, and teamwork.
Guided by an experienced instructor and industry professionals, students gain valuable skills in building design, material handling, and adherence to construction codes.
Tiny Home Project
Bid Deadline: Friday, November 1, 2024 at 4:00 PM Bids should be submitted to the district office.
Specifications: Material costs to be covered by the Purchaser, plus your bid percentage. $500, non-refundable, due by November 12, 2024. Final payment due upon completion, with the final deadline set for June 30, 2025.
Cost Information: Dimensions: 15'6" x 40' Must comply with International Building Code and be inspected by the Franklin County Building Director. Purchaser chooses finishes in collaboration with the District. Purchaser is responsible for site preparation and removal, with a penalty for delays.
Vocational Carpentry Project Bid Sheet
District Contact
Matthew Brenzikofer, Superitendent
Email: brenzikoferm@usd287.org
Phone: 785-566-3396
Address: 510 E Franklin, Pomona, KS 66076
Previous Project Photos Below
Blue 2022-2023 Tiny Home:
Interior - wooden accents
12' x 34'
408 sq feet
Purchase Price $31,500
Green 2023-2024 Tiny Home:
Interior gray walls white trim
15'6" x 40'
620 sq feet
Purchase Price $35,500