Sponsor Melissa Harms
Future Business Leaders of America, Inc. (FBLA) is the world's largest business career and technical student organization. FBLA inspires and prepares more than 220,000 Middle School, High School, and Collegiate members to become community-minded business leaders each year.
Meetings are not set on a particular schedule. We usually meet at least once a month and it will be during Falcon Hour.
I believe education is the right of every person.
I believe the future depends on mutual understanding and cooperation among business, industry, labor, religious, family, and educational institutions, as well as people around the world. I agree to do my utmost to bring about understanding and cooperation among all of these groups.
I believe every person should prepare for a useful occupation and carry on that occupation in a manner that brings the greatest good to the greatest number.
I believe every person should actively work toward improving social, political, community, and family life.
I believe every person has the right to earn a living at a useful occupation.
I believe every person should take responsibility for carrying out assigned tasks in a manner that brings credit to self, associates, school, and community.
I believe I have the responsibility to work efficiently and to think clearly. I promise to use my abilities to make the world a better place for everyone.