West Franklin Middle School Falcons Quiz Bowl
West Franklin Middle School Falcons Quiz Bowl
2024 League Champions!
Sponsor Hayleigh Stoneking
Quiz Bowl is a trivia competition in which two teams go head-to-head on a variety of academic topics. In the competition, buzzers are utilized by the teams as a way to test their wit and provide structure.
At WFMS Quiz Bowl is one of the shortest seasons out of all of the extracurricular activities, only taking place in February and March for the 2024-25 school year. Through the two months it is taking place there are a total of five meets, including a home meet hosted by our WFMS Quiz Bowl team!
Meet dates:
February 2nd @ Osage City 4:30 pm
February 10th @ Wabaunsee 4:30 pm
February 20th @ West Franklin 4:30 pm
February 24th @ Cair Paravel 4:30 pm
March 3rd @ Chase County (League) 4:30 pm