Parent and Spectator Code of Conduct
Please be advised the West Franklin Schools has a code of expectations for all spectators participating in the athletic experience. Your cooperation in adhering to the following obligations as a spectator at athletic events is appreciated and necessary to provide the most quality experience for every person participating and to ensure the best possible environment for all student-athletes, coaches, officials, and other spectators.
I will do my part to make athletics and activities a positive experience for everyone involved (I.E. participants, coaches, officials, and spectators).
I will learn and adhere to the policies of the school district, school and program and do my best to understand and appreciate the rules of the contest.
I will encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy and by being a positive role model at every event and practice.
I will not engage in any unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, parent, or staff member, such as taunting or using profane language or gestures.
I will demand a safe and healthy environment that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and will refrain from any use at all athletic events.
I will not engage in disparaging dialogue or taunting behavior with officials, players, coaches, parents, and other spectators before, during, and after all events.
I will refrain from coaching any player during games and practices unless I am an official coach.
I will never ridicule or yell at any participant for making a mistake or blame any player or coach for success or failure in the athletic setting.
I will respect the decisions and authority of officials during competitions.
I will respect the property and equipment used at any sports or school facility.
I will show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
I will applaud a good effort in both victory and defeat emphasizing the positive accomplishments and learn from the mistakes.
In the event any spectator fails to adhere to and uphold these obligations, the school administration and the school district reserves the right to impose sanctions including but is not limited to, temporary and/or permanent removal from the activity and expulsion from all future events.
Kris Hassler
Athletic Director
West Franklin Middle/High Schools