Girls Head Coach-Rob Conway - Assistant Coaches-Alyssa McCain, Angela Cameron

Boys Coach David Clayton - Assistant Coach-Paul Golden and Micheal Moody

All games will start at 4:30 unless otherwise noted. 

West Franklin Middle School Falcons Basketball 2024-2025

Nov. 7th  Chase County 4:30

Nov. 11th @ Osage City 4:30

Nov. 14th @ Lyndon 4:30

Nov. 18th vs. Wabaunsee 4:30

Nov. 21st @ Council Grove 4:30

Nov. 25th   @ Cair Paravel 4:30

Dec. 3rd  vs. Mission Valley 4:30

Dec. 5th     @ Chase County 4:30

Dec. 9th.       vs. Osage City                      4:30

Dec. 12th      @ Lyndon                              4:30

Dec. 14th B-team tourney @ WF 9:00am

Dec. 16th @ Wabaunsee 4:30

Dec. 19th vs. Council Grove 4:30

Jan. 6th vs. Lyndon 4:30

Jan. 9th vs. Cair Paravel 4:30

Jan. 13-18th League Tournament @ Lyndon


Recent Results

1/16 Girls Vs Mission Valley

39 to 36

Teegan McArthur 11pts

Josie Branson 7 pts

Kennedy Huggard 2 pts

Lexus Hubin 4 pts

Taylee McArthur 15 pts

FHJL Tournement

West Franklin MS Boys results

14-34  Jack Nellesen 1, Ryker Williams 2, Andrew Lively 2, Kiel Flanary 2, Landon Hicks 3, Trey Harmon 4, Kales Patterson 2

GIRLS BRACKET 1st Round.pdf